中外学子再次献歌进博会 你会单曲循环吗?





Millions of Businesses embraced by CIIE


春去秋来 日月相焕


Time flies when seasons change and days turn to nights.


黄埔江上 波浪婉转


Streams of waves are ruffling mildly against Huangpu River.


朗朗秋风 笑迎宾客


Autumn breeze warmly greets our guests from all over the world.


365个日夜 玉兰城中又相见


We gathered here together once again after 365 days and nights.


这一切就像昨天 还在眼前


Every flashbacks are so clear like they were just from yesterday.


同样的追求 让我们相约每一年


It’s the same pursuits brought us back together years after years.




This marks that the New Era for trade liberalization has come.


十一月上海 再次光芒无限


Shanghai is radiant infinitely once again in this November.


拥抱科技之光 引领时代改变


Embracing the light of science and technology


Taking the lead of shaping the new era


握紧合作之手 方能一路向前


A firm handshake of cooperation allows us go all the way forward


未来生活 在这里一应俱全


Everything that future has to offer you will find it here.


汇聚世界目光 用精彩书写经典


Under the global spotlight we make history with splendidness.


中国创办 世界共享


Founded by China but shared with the whole world




Work together for mutual benefits and common development.


世界精彩 夺目绽放


The world is so amazing that it dazzles when it blooms.




World premiere will broaden your horizon about the world.


solo r&b:


New Era 我们共享未来


New Era A shared future for all of us


Come forever 发展有你有我


Come forever strong development for all of us


CIIE 海纳百商 贸易国际


CIIE embraces business and trade from all over the world.


文化 引领 创新


Culture Guides Innovation


进博 精彩 继续


Expo Continues to shine
